Monday, February 9, 2009


The good the bad and the ugly, (if you were standing next to me you would have heard me whistle the infamous tune from the movie.) is a perfect description of a history of managers through out time. The worst would have been those who we saw in the movie "The Ten Commandments" you know, the task masters. I'm not sure but I think some managers take examples from the task masters of Moses time and use them today.

I laugh every time I think of the movie 'Office Space" or the TV show "the office". They crack me up! I have some relatives who manage, but I'm lucky enough not to know whether they are good, bad or ugly.

Any way, the other day I had the opportunity to meet a couple of my managers. They are so.... What's the word...... Oh ya UGLY. What a bunch of mindless drones. All we talked about was safety. Now, let me clarify, I believe safety is very important and most of the time Vital to good working conditions. Although, I find all they want out of safety is an award or to free the company of liability.

Now I understand liability. When one of my sons were 11 he borrowed his older brothers BB gun and he wanted to see how far the gun would shoot and instead of going into the field be hind our house, he aimed and shot down the middle of the street. Not knowing the gun fires to the left. He shot out a parked vans back window. He ran!!! We couldn't find him for 30 minutes. Guess who is liable the 11 year old or the old man. Yes I know liability.

This does not however, create a good working environment for me at work. Especially when some managers pick and choose the safety issues relating to productivity over employee safety. Our motto is supposed to be "SAFETY IS MY RESPONSIBILITY" wait... what?
You might say. Well, that's what I said so.. In conclusion ...Remember one thing " Don't let the door hit you on the way out" or your fired.

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